getting started


  • Node >= 8.0.0

  • NPM >= 5.0.0


Install light

npm install light

and add the dev script to your package.json.

  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "start": "light start",
    "dev": "light dev"
  // ...


Once you've installed light, all .js files under the routes folder will be used to serve pages.

To get started, populate routes/index.js.

const { createRoute } = require('light');

const { route } = createRoute('index');

module.exports = route(() => {
  return {
    hello: 'world',

Run npm run dev to start the development server. You should see an output in your terminal similar to the one below.

› start      🔥 igniting the server 🔥
› listening  on port 3000
› hmr        starting the hot reloader
› hmr        watching for changes

View your resulting website at localhost:3000!


That's it! You now have a dev server that

  • hot swaps to speed up development routes

  • supports many different serverless and hosting platforms

  • has very little magic behind the scenes, what you see in a route is what you get

Feel free to continue with the guides in the sidebar to understand more of the framework!

Last updated

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